Staff Articles and Spotlights
Discover what you need to feel better
Mental health issues can affect anyone, at any age. Like other illnesses, mental health problems must be diagnosed and treated for you to get back to your life and your relationships.
We offer highly-accessible mental health counseling services and programs for individuals and families aimed at putting you on a path to wellness. You deserve to live well, feel capable in the face of challenges, and achieve your true potential. It starts here.
- Rik Cornell
Another year and another month to reflect and spend some valuable time thinking about our Mental Health.
- Rik Cornell
As we enter Black History Month it is important to understand the issues surrounding mental illness and how this has and continues to play in the lives of African Americans.
- Rik Cornell
As we get closer to the end of Suicide Awareness Month, I have some thoughts to share with everyone. We all know that if we only pay attention to Suicide Awareness during September, we miss all the times people struggle throughout the year.
- Rik Cornell
This month of September, also known to some as “Suicide Awareness Month,” has come again, and we seem to be no better off than where we were a year ago.
- Rik Cornell
Some moments have become so important throughout history that they change how people think or act. Certain historical moments can even promote a cause that changes the direction of our paths.
- Rik Cornell
Giving to others is one way we show appreciation and gratitude for the people in our lives.
- Rik Cornell
When we see that the numbers of teen deaths as a result of suicide are on the rise in New Hampshire, we must ask ourselves why.
- Staff Submission
I work as a Senior Accountant at MHCGM, billing out state grants to provide supplies for the homeless outreach team and suicide prevention trainings. It's rewarding to see how these funds support our clinicians' salaries and help us deliver optimal mental health services to clients.