When someone is contemplating suicide there is help…

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Giving up on life is a very horrifying decision. Often time’s people go through years of contemplation before they make the decision to end their life. What may be simple and easy to deal with for so many is often not the case for others. There seems to be just as many reasons why a person makes this decision as the number of people who complete the act. But there are a lot of similarities in the progression of making that decision to end one’s life. We have all seen the warning signs like giving away personal items, saying good bye or breaking off relationships, at times telling others they wish they were dead and the world would be better off without them or at the very least less burdened.

There are times in history when society is so troubled that it becomes overwhelming and people feel that they cannot continue to cope. This time of COVID can be one of those times. There are times when dealing with terminal medical issues, one can get to the point that they simply feel they cannot go on. And there are those older adults who are facing the death of friends and loved ones, who simply don’t want to continue to be alive. For all of these reasons and so many more, the final result is the end of a life. What usually results, are the deeply felt sorrows and unbelieving thoughts of those left behind. Perhaps it is this awareness of how difficult it will be for others that torments those struggling with the wish to die. So we look to what we know from those who were stopped and given the time and support to really think things through. Often times we hear how grateful that they are to have another chance. Often we see them trying to help others who are facing the same turmoil. There does seem to be a lifelong need for support for those individuals however. You see, we also know that the number one factor in determining if someone will die as a result of suicide is a previous attempt. All the more reason to ask this question. But there is something that goes beyond all diagnostic and statistical notions about suicide. Talking about it is always the best prevention. It is in not allowing ourselves to verbalize our contemplations that we are more likely to succumb to them.

So there is hope and promise that lives can be saved to go on in better ways. There is hope for the future no matter how bad or difficult the present may be. Perhaps it is in learning to live through the pain and somehow get to a place beyond it. Here at the Center we believe in that hope and make that journey with some of the people we see every day. If you have a loved one, family member or a friend who seems to be troubled, simply take the moment to ask how they are doing. I always ask twice because I usually get the real answer the second time around. Start a discussion and let them know you are there for them. Let them know they are not alone. Then help them to get the treatment they so desperately need. Ask because you care, and in doing so you may just save a friend. In all the years I have been in this field and the thousands of individuals I have worked with, they all had one thing in common, their fear of being alone. That’s something we can all cure.

All it takes is a phone call. We know it can sometimes be very difficult to do but we assure you we will be there to respond with compassion and an ability to help. Make that call today. Better yet, make it now. (800) 688-3544.


Bedford Counseling Associates, an affiliate program of The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, is now offering prescribed TMS treatments for individuals 18 and older. TMS Therapy is available by prescription only.
Research shows that Integrated Care improves patient health. 57% of ProHealth patients who were classified as “overweight” achieved clinically significant weight loss for the first time. 64% of ProHealth patients were able to get their blood pressure under control.
The Homeless Outreach Team provides support services to people experiencing homelessness or those who are at risk of becoming homeless. We provide information about shelter & housing and frequently provide food, and safety equipment such as tents, blankets, and basic survival items.

New Appointments are now made via Open Access without long waits!
Looking to schedule an appointment? Call us at 603-668-4111 option 4, to discuss your concern. Once all your information is gathered you will be instructed to show up for an open access date! 


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