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What about you? Time for a career change?

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If you are starting to look at potential careers for your life, ask yourself, “what am I good at?  What do I enjoy?  What makes me happy?  What can I give to others?”  All these simple questions are so important when deciding what a successful career can and should be made of.

For some, you may decide that the world of Mental Health sounds interesting. If you do, have you ever considered what the jobs are in that field?  Well, there are many!  Typically, people think of therapists. Yes, there are a lot of jobs for them. There are also jobs for emergency workers, psychiatric unit staff, nurses, medical doctors, psychiatrists, as well as ARNPs’. Some people do testing while others help people get jobs. There is the staff who instruct, while others work to legislate new laws that can change the course of treatment itself.  We have administrators and billing specialists. We have cooks and people who work to deliver fantastic IT solutions.

You see, I could go on and on, but I know you are busy trying to figure this all out. So, what I will tell you is this; If helping to enrich lives, making your community physically and emotionally healthy, and watching people gain back their own resilience makes you feel good, then not only would you probably be good at this, but we have the jobs for you!

Check us out at .

By the way, when you give to others the return is always amazing!


Rik Cornell

VP of Community Relations, MHCGM


Another year and another month to reflect and spend some valuable time thinking about our Mental Health.
As we enter Black History Month it is important to understand the issues surrounding mental illness and how this has and continues to play in the lives of African Americans.
As we get closer to the end of Suicide Awareness Month, I have some thoughts to share with everyone. We all know that if we only pay attention to Suicide Awareness during September, we miss all the times people struggle throughout the year.

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