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Outreach team members recognized for exemplary service

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Two members of the MHCGM Homeless Outreach Team were recently recognized as Exemplary Outreach Providers at the Statewide Street Outreach Summit held in November. Nominees were sent in by all the outreach providers across the state in each Continuum of Care (Manchester, Greater Nashua, and Balance of State). Matt and Janelle, both of the MHCGM Outreach team, received the most nominations and therefore both were recognized as recipients of the award for the Manchester region.

The New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness (NHCEH) was joined by the Balance of State, Greater Nashua, and Manchester Continuums of Care in collaboration with the DHHS Bureau of Homeless Services in hosting the full-day event. The New Hampshire Statewide Street Outreach Summit convened street outreach workers from across the state for the first time in three years. This event was designed to support street outreach staff, promote best practices, and contribute to the ongoing efforts to create a safer and more inclusive community.

We congratulate Matt and Janelle on this honor and the entire MHCGM Homeless Outreach Team for being recognized by their peers for outstanding service in the work that they do each and every day.


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